Terms and Conditions


Thanks for using our products and services (“Services”). The use of services provided by Socialautolikes establishes agreement to these terms. By registering or using these services you agree that you have read and fully understood the following Terms of Service of this agreement.

Before proceeding, please read this agreement because accessing, browsing,
or otherwise using the Site indicates your agreement to all the terms and conditions in this agreement.

We provide services to you subject to the notices, terms, and conditions set forth in this agreement.
Besides, you will obey the rules, guidelines, policies, terms, and conditions applicable to such services before you use them.
We reserve the right to change this site and these terms and conditions at any time. You are expected to read all terms of service before placing every order to ensure you are up to date with any changes or any future changes.

  • You will only use the Socialautolikes.com website in a manner that follows all agreements made with Instagram/ Soundcloud/YouTube and other social media sites on their individual Terms of Service page.


This website is offering services only used for social media promotional purposes.

  • Socialautolikes.com will only be used to promote your Instagram, YouTube, Soundcloud, or other  Social accounts and help boost your “Appearance” only.
  • We DO NOT guarantee your new followers will interact with you, we simply guarantee you to get the followers you pay for..
  • We DO NOT guarantee that 100% of our accounts will have a profile picture, full bio, and uploaded pictures, although we strive to make this the reality for all accounts.

You shall not upload, distribute, or otherwise publish through this Site
any Content, information, or other material that
(a) includes any bugs, viruses, worms, trap doors, Trojan horses, or other harmful code or properties; (b) is libelous, threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, pornographic, discriminatory, or could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under the laws of the U.S. or the laws of any other country that may apply; or (c)violates or infringes upon the copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any person.
By accepting these Terms of Use through your use of the Site, you certify that you are 18 years of age or older.


Payments are processed using a secure credit card checkout, with no sensitive financial information being saved to our servers.
The secure method of accepting payments is processed using SSL encryption.
You agree that upon using or purchasing our services, you have a clear understanding and fully agree on what you are purchasing and will not file fraudulent disputes or claims.
Upon a fraudulent attempt to file a dispute or claim, we receive the right, if necessary, to reset all services delivered to you (followers, likes, or views), terminate your account, and further restrict access to our services.
If you do not agree or dislike any of our services feel free to contact us via support@socialautolikes.com


In order to cancel your subscription from rebilling, please contact Socialautolikes Support Department – support@socialautolikes.com


You will in no way copy any programming, text, or images used on the Socialautolikes website without the written consent of a Socialautolikes representative.


Socialautolikes is in no way liable for any account suspension or picture deletion done by any Social media platform.


Socialautolikes will not be responsible for any damages you or your business may suffer. We make no guarantees of any kind, expressed or implied for the services we provide.
Since Socialautolikes uses the internet to deliver services, we cannot guarantee uptime or availability of our website.